THE NEW GOVERNMENT ARE REFORMING PLANNING and Neighbourhood Planning will be affected - ONPA is here to support you - the benefits of ONPA Membership are increasingly important


There is no doubt that there will be significant changes - nationally and in Oxfordshire. ONPA intend to hold an special Meeting on October 12th to invite members and potential members to this live event on a Saturday morning, to discuss the ramifications. Although this is a few weeks ahead, we will know much more about what lies ahead as a result of the eight week consultation on the NPPF and the challenges we face. Some of the key components of the planning system affected by these changes ahead are covered below including what Angela Rayner said in her satement on July 30th (see below and the orange “What’s being said” button above:


The new Government are committed to producing a revised NPPF reflecting the “top down” approach they intend to apply to set the bar for planning reforms. A consultation document is now available for the NPPF revisions and the devil is the detail and the intent from the written and delivered statement

ONPA are preparing a response over the next few weeks for member comment and plan a live event on October 12th to discuss the implications in respect of the role and significance of Neighbourhood Planning

(ONPA Executive Member Graeme Markland did put together a helpful analysis and summary of his thoughts on the last NPPF )


Authorities without up to date Local Plans are increasingly under scrutiny based on delivery, targets and general performance. The big question is what is exactly meant by “up to date” and how that impacts with both made Neighbourhood Plans and reviewed NP’s? We know this will result in changes to the Basic Conditions that must be applied in NP examination procedure

There are many consultations now taking place across our five Districts. For a quick look at LP2041 Preferences consultation, take a look at this helpful YouTube video . The CPRE views can be seen as another guide and opinion and their response to NPPF proposals has been timely


1.5 million new homes in five years requires considerable input to be achievable! The Government are likely to pursue both a“quick win” and “longer term” strategy which will increase differing pressures and generate a great deal of controversy - there is a possibility that Neighbourhood Plan policies may gain even greater strength in accepting growth or defending growth where infrastructure does not support it. Take a look at the Housing Needs Survey for South & Vale as published in November 2023 - will this and similar for the other districts require updating and what will be the impact in Oxfordshire? Targets aim for over 1,500 extra homes a year in Oxfordshire and across the South East, the target has shifted from 51,251 new homes a year to 69,060 homes. Take a look at a possible projection on “New Town” location or by clicking the “What’s being said” button

**The Dorchester Group have commenced a planning application for 6000 homes at Heyford Park with surrounding Parishes impacted


LPA’s are being told to review their Green Belt land and this is a key consideration for NP’s in Oxfordshire that include Green Belt and there will undoubtedly be a hard fought battle in respect of implementation. Many Parishes have Green Belt considerations and we encourage everyone to respond - it is well worth reading the points made by the Chairman of the Oxford Green Belt Network


All increased aspects of great community interest balancing the policy of achieving economic growth, housing in the right places and allowing affordable and social housing to expand, and to address shortages whilst protecting the rural patterns across our County. How about the necessary infrastructure? New Solar Farm projects abound with controversy over the legality of recently approved projects for Ed Milliband

(note the “WHAT’S BEING SAID” BUTTON , HOT TOPICS & KEY EVENTS links ABOVE for more info)


ONPA are in collaborative discussion with Community First Oxfordshire (CFO) with regard to staging future events and making best use of our joint resources, and also the Integrated Care Board, BOB and PHIRST study regarding healthcare in the County- all of this to add extra weight to the objectives of our Members.

In respect of HIF1, the new Secretary of State should soon soon reach a decision after the inquiry (following OCC Planning Committee refusal and a subsequent call in) see Inquiry details- the long wait adds to the uncertainty that now exists in respect of site allocations affected by HIF1 matters in South Oxfordshire & the Vale of WH, adding to LP strategic allocation issues

Our Executive team continue to forge new links with organisations with community interests at heart as the increased emphasis on “healthy places” and design codes increase their importance in the Oxfordshire’s future. In addition to CFO above the Community Research Network (CRN) or ORCN specifically relating to Oxfordshire are closely working with Oxfordshire County Council


To give extra strength to the importance of NDP’s as a key part of the planning system


Full annual membership for Oxfordshire’s adopted NDPs - just £50 per annum

A reduced annual subscription applies for those Plans that are “emerging”, or just starting out - associate membership only £25


Our Constitution and why we felt the need to join together to represent our views and policies and the importance of our voice