ONPA AGM 25th Jan 2025 at 10.30: NPPF changes, planning and Infrastructure and Devolution Bills expected soon ---
ONPA AGM 25th Jan 2025 at 10.30: NPPF changes, planning and Infrastructure and Devolution Bills expected soon ---
THE LABOUR GOVERNMENT ARE REFORMING PLANNING and Neighbourhood Planning will be affected - not just through the NPPF and the forthcoming Planning and Infrastructure Bill and the White Paper on Devolution - with its proposed wholesale changes to many Local Authority Districts and the concept of new Mayoral roles
Read what the Vale of White Horse DC says
Since 2011, governments have spent over £45 million to support the vital role of local authorities in the neighbourhood planning process
ONPA is here to support you - the benefits of ONPA Membership are increasingly important - we are in touch with all those in the know!
ONPA held a special Meeting on October 12th with members and potential members to discuss the ramifications. Go to Events for more on the presentation and audio
We now know much more about what lies ahead after the recent eight week consultation on the NPPF, and the challenges we face. Some of the key components of the planning system affected by these changes are covered below including what Angela Rayner said in her statement on July 30th (see below and the orange “What’s being said” button above)
Picking up on one proposed change - relating to brownfield land through the introduction of “brownfield passports” - read more about the proposal - alongside how “previously developed land” is defined
The all important NPPF will sit alongside the Planning & Infrastructure Bill at the heart of the reforms
Take a look at one paragraph of the Devolution White Paper on “community issues” - is this not Neighbourhood Planning?
ONPA are in collaborative discussion with Community First Oxfordshire (CFO) with regard to staging future events and making best use of our joint resources, and also the Integrated Care Board, BOB and PHIRST study regarding healthcare in the County- all of this to add extra weight to the objectives of our Members.
In respect of HIF1, the new Secretary of State should soon soon reach a decision after the inquiry (following OCC Planning Committee refusal and a subsequent call in) see Inquiry details- the long wait adds to the uncertainty that now exists in respect of site allocations affected by HIF1 matters in South Oxfordshire & the Vale of WH, adding to LP strategic allocation issues
Our Executive team continue to forge new links with organisations including the Healthy Places Shaping Team at the County Council, Community interests are at heart with the increased emphasis on “healthy places” and design codes increase their importance in the Oxfordshire’s future and the role of Neighbourhood Planning. Head of the OCC team, Rosie Rowe, delivered an excellent presentation at our recent event
In addition to CFO above the Community Research Network (CRN) or ORCN specifically relating to Oxfordshire are closely working with Oxfordshire County Council
To give extra strength to the importance of NDP’s as a key part of the planning system
Full annual membership for Oxfordshire’s adopted NDPs - just £50 per annum
A reduced annual subscription applies for those Plans that are “emerging”, or just starting out - associate membership only £25
Our Constitution and why we felt the need to join together to represent our views and policies and the importance of our voice