Oxfordshire MP's and much more ...


Oxfordshire MP's and much more ... >

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Air Quality News

Community First Oxfordshire - We work closely with Community First Oxfordshire who have celebrated their centenary (see news)

CPRE - Brownfield Land Report and CPRE thoughts on Oxford City housing impact on other districts

Defibrillator - do you need help in sourcing and training - the Oliver King Foundation can help!

Defra - their main web site

Energy - Government guidance and the Energy Saving Trust for other useful information

Experience Oxfordshire - what to do and where to go

Localism Act 2011 - a plain English guide

Locality - a good starting place for new NDP’s

Locality Design Document for NDP’s

Help to Buy Guide

Help with Planning Matters RTPI

National Trust and Neighbourhood Planning with extra contacts

Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017 - the LGA document “Get in on the Act”

Planning Inspectorate (PINS)

Read ONPA chair Martin Lipson’s article for the Locality newsletter

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) and the April ONPA submission Now back to MHCLG!

Policy examples for NDPs in the South and Vale including web links to NDPs

Raynsford Review into Planning - all about reform

Strong Foundations - report by the CLA into meeting rural housing needs

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and December 2022 consultation

Consultation on 5G and masts for DLUHC and DCMS - response invited!

How DLUHC view Brownfield Land and the use of Brownfield Registers

The Centre for Sustainable Energy 

Cycling and Walking - guide from the Department of Transport

The Neighbourhood Watch Network - as set up by Police forces and growing fast

“Planning for the Future” - the DLUHC announcement on the Spring 2020 White Paper

Oxfordshire 2050 - the vision and the Future Oxfordshire Partnership

Oxfordshire Civic Society - “an independant voice for Oxfordshire”

Planning Advisory Service (PAS) - part of the MUHLG

SODC update on what represents Material and Non Material Planning Considerations

Oxfordshire Open Thought - get involved and have your say in Oxfordshire’s future and explore the Oxfordshire Growth Needs Assessment (OGNA)

“The Power of Neighbourhood Planning” by Peter Edwards us one of a number of books from Bath Publishing who publish a number of books on Planning law

Updating a Neighbourhood Plan - some useful guidance from the Government and the thoughts of ONPA Executive Member Malcolm Smith following submission of the review of the Woodcote NDP