Key dates …covering announcements relating to Planning & Neighbourhood Planning (latest first)


October 12th - ONPA special meeting - 10.30am to 12.30pm at Weston on the Green Village Hall - don’t miss this important event

September 24th - closing date of revised NPPF consultation

September 6th - 5 NP Referendums taking place in S. Oxfordshire- all secured “Yes” but with low turnouts

September 5th - ONPA Executive committee met to discuss national planning changes and events

August 12 - ONPA Executive Committee met to discuss NPPF revision prior to planned special meeting

July 31st - SODC and Vale announce 45 homes for those in need - read the announcement

July 30th - Angela Rayner unveils sweeping changes to the Planning system (see home page) and the NPPF consultation

July 17th - The Kings Speech included many matters relating to Planning Reform (see the What’s being said)

July 9th - New MP and Planning Barrister Sarah Spackman appointed as Solicitor General

July 8th -Key Planning Announcements outlined by Rachel Reeves and Angela Rayner (who has taken over from Michael Gove as Secretary of State with exact roles to be finalised for two housing ministers Matthew Pennycook and Jim McMahon

July 8th - DHULC - The department reverted to its former name, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)

July - meeting with SODC/Vale NP team postponed until mid August

(May & June - in anticipation of General Election on July 4th - very little happened!)

April 10th - ONPA representatives met with Community First Oxfordshire at Worton Park

February 13th - Changes to PD rights consultation announced on gov. uk web site

January 25th - ONPA session with the NP team at South & Vale with full notes here

January 13th - ONPA AGM and following general meeting to be held live - Weston on the Green Village Hall at 10.30am - The AGM minutes can be seen here with notes from the GM

January 10th - ONPA Executive met with key leads from the ICC BOB healthcare team to discuss member problems with Primary Care in Oxfordshire and how we can best work together to tackle the funding and other problems

January 10th - South & Vale LP2041 consultations opened with a number of events and other ways of contributing your thoughts - click the preceding red text to learn just how!

January 9th - ONPA Executive met with Community First Oxfordshire (CFO) team to discuss a greater range of collaborative projects for 2024 and identifying member benefits

Looking back to 2023

December 21st - ONPA Executive Meeting

December 18th - New NPPF published - read carefully!

December 5th - First sight of Joint South & Vale LP2041 Scrutiny Committee (provisional) - see full schedule proposed for South & Vale Joint LP2041. More details click here

November 8th - Community First AGM and special session

November 7th - Key small site hearing West Oxon - 4 houses at Standlake

October 28th - Major A34 junction scheme to benefit access to Abingdon

October 27th - DHULC planning reforms bill got Royal Assent

October 25th - ONPA Executive team members to meet South and Vale NP team by Zoom

October 20th - News on the proposed Oxfordshire reservoir serving Abingdon area

October 10th - Housing minister finally issues dismissal of Cholsey appeal

October 10th - Chinnor Appeal Inquiry started over 2 weeks - key concern to South NP groups

October 7th - Oxford Mail article on City housing policy

October 4th- DHULC gave decison on Vale possibility of special measures

September - South annnounce 4.23 years HLS - below 5 year threshold - see link - now agreed 4.02

July 31st - OALC publish latest 22 page newsletter

July 27th - according to statement issued by SODC - Secretary of State has called in the HIF1 decision (see home page)

July 26th - ONPA Exec meeting with SODC/VALE NP team -question HIF1 OCC rejection raised

July 12th - OCC Planning Committee reject HIF1 proposal to dismay of SODC/VALE planners

July lst - Oxfordshire Community Action for Nature Recovery workshop

June 27th - CPRE held their “Championing the Countyside online event - this is the slideshow

June 12th - Culham Neighbourhood Plan made after 44% vote turnout in Referendum

June lst - Active Travel England to be consulted as a statutory consultee on large applications

May 9th - Government makes important Healthcare announcements - see our Hot Topics item on Primary Care

May 5th - ONPA Executive members held Teams meeting with South & Vale NDP team

May 3rd - ONPA published their Primary Care report with accompanying resource information with an extra update document

April 11th - ONPA submission to Select Committee of the DLUHC in respect of proposed NPPF and you can read all the evidence submissions made in this batch

late March - SODC publish the Annual Monitoring Report for 2021/22

March 25th - ONPA held workshop on “policy writing” - 21 representatives from all 5 districts

March 2nd - current NPPF consultation closed (see advice note courtesy O’Neill Homer)

February 7th - yet another new Housing Minister - Rachel Maclean - no 15 since 2010

February - Oxford City Council launch LP 2040 Local Plan consultation ending March 27th 2024

January 25th - DHULC through the minister Michael Gove launched new Pan-Regional partnership Oxford-Cambridge

January 21st **** ONPA AGM held by Zoom with all Oxfordshire districts represented but with a reduced online attendance

(December 22nd 2022 - DHULC released 76 page new NPPF prospectus (see Home page for links))