ONPA Is an almost unique organisation in the UK as a Neighbourhood Planning cohort

We believe in communicating with our members and stakeholders using meetings, forums with both live and virtual events - in addition to this web site and newsletters


Special Meeting in mid October to be soon announced)

Not to be missed!


EARLIER ONPA EVENTS - useful to track and are in chronological order

Webinar Saturday 10th October 2020

“The Future of Neighbourhood Planning

You can read our synopsis of proceedings here in summary form

Saturday 21st November 2020

The ONPA AGM took place on Saturday 21st November - minutes and notes

Discussion topic Saturday 21st November 2020

“Settlement Boundaries”

A number of ONPA members have raised the question of settlement boundaries and their use and acceptability within an NDP. The discussion yielded the view that accurate and well considered settlement boundaries give a much needed level of clarity in decision making. . A short slide presentation was prepared to highlight the salient points

Our second Zoom online event was “Climate change, sustainability in respect to Neighbourhood Planning” - you can listen to the audio below

Wednesday January 20th 2021

Thursday August 19th 2021 - ONPA/CPRE webinar

A Zoom event was held in conjunction with the CPRE and attracted well over 100 attendees - it was a full discussion on the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 bearing in mind the current consultations

Saturday 4th December 2021 - ONPA AGM

which was followed by a General Meeting which included a presentation to remove some of the stess of undertaking an NDP revirew watch on You Tube as below by clicking the white arrow

Saturday 9th April 2022 - Hybrid ONPA General Meeting

ONPA tried the hybrid format and the technology to support it! We welcomed 12 attendees in person and a further 19 online and the minutes of the meeting can be read here

Saturday 21st January 2023ONPA AGM & General Meeting

Saturday 25th March 2023 - Policy writing workshop

Saturday 13th January 2024 - ONPA AGM & General Meeting (audio below)